How is child support calculated in Tennessee?
No one really likes to pay child support. It is, perhaps, one of the most contentious issues in cases involving children. In my...

Understanding the Tennessee court system
The structure of our court system is much like the layers of a five layer wedding cake. The bottom layer consists of the municipal or...

How is property divided in Tennessee divorce cases?
In Tennessee, courts are required to equitably divide marital property between the parties in a divorce. The key word is equitable. ...

What rights do Grandparents have in Tennessee?
In most families, grandparents play a significant role in the lives of grandchildren. I have some great memories spending time with my...

What is adultery in Tennessee and does it really matter?
When I began practicing law in 1992, adultery was a big deal in divorce cases. Not so much anymore—at least not as a ground for divorce....

Can I get Alimony in Tennessee?
Alimony is available in Tennessee in appropriate divorce and legal separation cases. A number of factors go into determining an award of...

What happens if the Other Parent is Underemployed?
In Tennessee, child support is based in part on the relative incomes of the parents. But what happens if one of the parents is not...

What is a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity?
In Tennessee, one out every three children are born to unwed parents. That is a staggering number. Many of these children will go...

Does a Child Always Take on the Last Name of the Father?
Courts will not change a child’s last name unless the change promotes the child’s best interest. When I first began practicing law, it...

What is a Primary Residential Parent?
In Tennessee, the parent with the majority of parenting time is always designated as the primary residential parent. Generally, both...